Your results are in and your primary area of concern is…



I see you, bloated and irritable, suffering from mood swings, fatigue, and serious brain fog.

You keep thinking that you’re too young to feel like this, but there’s a heating pad in your desk at work, just in case. And taking painkillers between meetings in an attempt to manage your debilitating cramps seems like standard practice these days.

You’re tired of feeling out of sync with your body, and you aren’t alone. I’ve been there, too.

We live in a world that regulates what we do and when we do it based on our internal, 24-hour clock, or circadian rhythm, where daylight guides our habits and patterns.

But women have a second internal clock, known as infradian rhythm; our internal, 28-day cycle that regulates menstruation and profoundly impacts how our brains and bodies function.

The disconnect between the demands of your daily life and internal rhythms frequently leaves you chronically tired and off-balance, struggling instead of thriving.

Whether caused by stress or a symptom of other underlying factors, hormonal imbalances cause acne, dry skin, decreased libido, weight gain, the list goes on…

Left untreated, imbalances can lead to depression and infertility, painting a bleak picture over your shining future. But it doesn’t have to be this way

Understanding what’s happening in your body is the first step towards restoring your well-being.

When you identify the root cause behind the cramping, back pain, and irritability, you move beyond band-aid solutions and empower true healing so that you can get back to thriving.

Find your balance to revitalize your health and reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom.

I'm really excited about this program we have created called Menstrual Mastery.

In this prerecorded masterclass on hormonal health for women in their reproductive years, I will help you work alongside your body's natural rhythms so we can optimize and balance each phase of your menstrual cycle.

I will educate you on your hormones during each phase what they're supposed to be doing, and what creates an imbalance.

I will give you tools, resources, supplement suggestions, exercises, and recipes to support each phase so you can live in a way that's in tune with your body.

Feel less stressed, less fatigued, and more fully you.

You will discover how each phase affects your hormones, metabolism, emotions, and sex drive, and it will give you concrete ways to connect to your own rhythm.

Quiz Special!

As a thank you for taking the time to take my quiz, I’d like to offer you 50% off Menstrual Mastery. But hurry! This offer expires in 15 minutes!

What’s included:

  • On-demand access to one hour of video instruction.

  • 10-page supplemental workbook with actionable tips and exercises.

  • Unlimited lifetime access.


Refund Policy: Due to the nature of these online digital products we do not offer refunds, please purchase thoughtfully.