Navigating Hormonal Changes after 40
Learn how to navigate this journey through perimenopause and menopause feeling grounded, happy, healthy, and sexy.
What do so many patients say about this time of their lives…?
Click play below to hear what Dr. Kaisa has to say about the transition into perimenopause.
There are so many unknowns when it comes to this season of life that every woman will go through.
Women often ask themselves…
How long will this go on?
Will I keep gaining weight forever?
Will I ever feel like myself again?
Will I ever enjoy and desire sex again?!?
Most women who come to me with these symptoms are discouraged and depressed. All the ‘old tricks’ don’t work anymore to lose weight or help them feel motivated and alive.
They’re just stuck. In their relationships. In their growth. In their bodies…
Everything all of a sudden feels heavy, like they’re literally carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.
What if you could feel like yourself again?
What if you could feel alive, motivated, and creative again?
What if you could feel sexy again?
What if you could anxiously await this new season of life, and all the gifts that come with it?
It can also give you the mindfulness to understand how your body speaks to you, and the awareness you need to shift some of your habits as your hormones change. What worked in the past, won't necessarily work the same in the future.
With 'Navigating Hormonal Changes After 40', you’re not just getting information about your changing body, supplement protocols, and a supportive community…
You’re getting the FREEDOM to get to know yourself as a new woman. The freedom to put yourself first again, feel empowered, and thrive. Now is YOUR TIME to focus on your connection with you, and rediscover what you’re passionate about.
You’re getting the CONFIDENCE to trust your body and listen to what it’s asking of you in this new phase. To feel fully present and embodied, and rediscover new healthy ways of expressing yourself.
You’re getting the OPPORTUNITY to put yourself first, put a focus on mind, body, and spirit as you intentionally and intuitively approach this new phase of your life.

What’s Included:
Inside this 4-Week Course you’ll receive:
Class Topics:
As hormones shift that are out of our control, one tool we have is to manage really well the ones that we can. Blood sugar is a very important piece to this puzzle.
Have you noticed your mind can’t stop, and you feel anxious, irritable, and overwhelmed more often? One of the hormones we CAN control is cortisol. The more we can manage stress, the more we can manage our cortisol, and the less anxious and irritable we’ll feel.
To ensure our bodies are breaking down the excess hormones including estrogen, it’s imperative that our liver is functioning and detoxing properly. If you don’t support your liver through this transition, you may experience increased belly fat and are at a higher risk of cancer due to the excess hormones.
Many women complain that they no longer have the desire to have sex, and when they do, they don’t necessarily enjoy it anymore. This does not have to be the case. We’ll talk about how to balance your nervous system, get back into the receiving mode, and pleasure practices both individually and with a partner.
Hi, I’m Kaisa
Founder of Harmony Wellness Clinic, Dr. Kaisa Coppola's approach to medicine is a rare and potent blend of science and intuition. With 15 years of clinical experience, she integrates Functional Medicine with Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, and other holistic therapies to support whole-person wellness.
Combining empathic sensitivity with sleuth-like bloodwork analysis, Dr. Coppola has a gift for resolving the root cause of illness and detecting dysfunction before it becomes pathological. Her profound understanding of the mind-body connection has led to breakthroughs for patients with a wide range of complex, chronic conditions.
At the heart of Dr. Coppola’s practice is a deep reverence for the body’s innate intelligence. ”My real job isn’t to heal others, but to help them heal themselves. Powerful change can happen when we awaken our own inner physician.”
Here’s what I know...
Life gets better, our intuition deepens, and our love for ourselves expands.
There is a simple understanding of who we are, and we don’t feel the need to prove anything anymore.
We allow ourselves to receive the love that is offered to us and around us and feel worthy of it.
We get to serve from a place of capacity, rather than a place of responsibility.